Dice the goose breast 1inch x 1inch and brown the meat in a pan with 2 big spoons of butter over high heat. Roughly chop the onion and sausage and clean the mushrooms. Saute all three ingrideients in a big pot over medium high heat in 1 big spoon of butter.
Cut the butternut squash into a rectangular block. Cut that into slices of about 1/4 inch thick that are about the size of a cross-section of the goose or duck breast. Remember the meat will tighten up in cooking, so make the squash slices a little narrower and a little taller than the raw breast meat. You will need at least 24 slices.
Soak the casing in luke warm water. Grind the venison and pork belly, medium corse. Mix ground venison and pork well together in a big bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients in and mix well. Gently apply casing to medium size stuffing tube. Tie a knot at the end of casing and feed the ground sausage meat through the grinder at a slow speed and stuff it! Make 1 1/2 to 2 feet sausages for good portion size.
Start with building a good fire of hardwoods in a fire pit. Prepare the pizza dough: Add water to mixing bowl. Add yeast to water and mix - add two eggs and stir. Mix in flour little by little - mix with wooden spoon, then gently kneed dough. Let rise for 20 min at room temperature.
Mix a marinade of red wine, rosemary, thyme, garlic, juniper berries, pepper corn and juniper leaves. Put the leg in a big container with the marinade. Cover it up and let it be over night. Next day: Put the leg on a grill and rub it with salt and goose fat. Cook in the oven at 480°F for -20min. Turn the heat to 250°F and continue cooking for 2 ½ - 3 hours, basting. The core temperature needs to reach 130°F.
Build a good fire using birch and oak. Let it burn down to small flames and embers. Place a big flat stone, 2-3 inches thick, on top of the embers and build a new fire on top of the stone and let it burn down again. Mix the marinate together in a metal bowl and place it in a water bath until it’s fluent. Remove the rabbits from the brine and pat them dry with a paper towel. Part it into five (front legs, back legs and the back piece) Apply the marinade and let it rest for 10 min.
Remove the whole rabbit from the brine, and pat it dry with a paper towel. Mix flour, salt and water into a dough. Roll it out flat on a piece of baking paper – it should be at least ½ an inch thick. Place the rabbit on a bed of thyme, rosemary and garlic (safe a little of everything for sautéing and 1 clove of garlic for the polenta) Fold the dough around it, and make sure it doesn’t break when doing so. We want to keep ALL the juice inside when cooking
Put the kettle on to boil. Grind the rabbit meat and bacon and mix it together. Season with the paprika, the chopped herbs, a few gratings of nutmeg and a little salt and pepper, then use a fork to mash it all up. Put out your bowls of flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Carefully put the quail's eggs into a small pan. Once the kettle boils, pour in the boiling water straight away and cook for 2 minutes, no longer. Move the pan to the sink and run cold water over the eggs for 2 to 3 minutes. Tap, roll and – ever so gently – peel the shells off them. Do it under running water if it helps. You'll get quicker at peeling them as you go.
Cook the ham hocks and make the jelly: Place the hocks in a deep saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil, removing the impurities. Top the water up and add the carrot, leek, celery, two sprigs of thyme, peppercorns and coriander seeds. Simmer for about 3 hours until the ham is cooked. Pass the liquid through a fine sieve and measure 1L of the cooking liquid. Soak the gelatin in cold water and add it to the 1L of warm stock. Flake the ham meat from the bone and remove the fat.
Bring the water to boil in a big pot, add salt and stir until it is dissolved. Add everything except the ice water and put the lid on. Let the brine cool off for 6-8 hours until it gets a dark brown color. Pour in the ice water and mix it good. Wait for 30 min and put in the rabbits. Let them soak for 8-24 hours.
Add oatmeal, yogurt, sugar, and both types of flour. Stir with a fork until the dough is nice and even. The dough will be sticky. Seal dough in a bowl and let it rest overnight. With two tablespoons through bun-sized dough on a baking sheet. Bake at 440 degrees for 17-20 minutes.
Remove the seeds from the green chili and cut the onion into julienne. Fry both in a pan with butter on low heat until they soften. Add ant eggs and a little tarragon, and stir. The Court is complete when the ant eggs starts to become vitreous. Add salt to taste, and serve with tortillas and guacamole.
Few game birds are as beautiful and well tasting as the as the Ring-necked Pheasant. Key when cooking is to keep the meat moist with the help of added fat and/or liquid in the form of apples, prunes, lemon and so forth.
Sauté onions in butter until limp. Add the goose livers and cook until not pink inside, 8 - 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Purée hot mixture in a food processor or blender until lumpy. Chop up the eggs and add to the mixture. Pulse the processor until you get the desired consistency, smooth or a little lumpy...you choose!