Rustic Venison Pizza

Come join me for a little cooking fun over an open fire in the Catskill Mountains in Woodstock, New York. Today we are making a very simple rustic pizza with venison loin, gorgonzola/ricotta sauce, arugula, and balsamic and blackberry reduction.

Bon Appetit!

Come join me for a little cooking fun over open fire in The Catskill Mountains in Woodstock, New York. Today we are making a very simple rustic pizza with venison loin, gorgonzola/ricotta sauce, arugula and balsamic & black berry reduction - Bon appetit, velbekomme, buen provecho, 个饱, buon appetito, 戴きます, בתאבון, بون الشهية, Приятного аппетита - and Happy Holidays!


Mediterranean Venison Sausage


Goose Hunt - Chapter 1