Whiteboys & Indians
The night was clear and the crickets were singing their songs, as the fire crackled and sucked in the last oxygen, as it slowly died off to merely a dusty grey smoke and a little fine ash.
Miami Vice
This winter in New York has been the fourth worst on record, so needless to say I was ready for Miami and some warm water, sun, girls in bikinis and adrenaline, namely shark-territory spear fishing!
Jack and the Rabbit
Around 1996, I was on a Rabbit Hunt on a small island named Endelave in my home country, Denmark.The island is known for its stunning nature, seals and exploding rabbit population.
Canadian Goose
Living in New York City, my senses are in a constant state of overload. There is not one minute, not one second, where the electrical impulses in my brain are idle, where everything is clear, everything is pure…
Whitetail Deer
It’s 4.01 on December 17th, 2011 and preparations for the 2012 bow hunt for Whitetail deer starts now, the second after the sun has officially set over Vly Mountain in Catskills New York and the season is over...